H2O, in combinations with other electrolyzed gases introduced into the intake manifold of your engine, will accelerate the flame spread during combustion, thereby getting more of the vaporized fuel to combust during the initial part of the power stroke. The benefits of the addition of Hydrogen in an internal combustion engine, including a diesel engine have been well accepted & identified.
Road Tests have shown 30-200% increases in mileage with the additional implementation of driving tips. Most engines equipped with electronic fuel injection and on-board computers adjust automatically, by cutting back on the amount of fuel injected. For optimum mileage gain & Safety of the Product as well as Customers we have developed a ECM which controls the Car’s on-board Computer Automatically which helps the computer make the optimum adjustments.
The GIRIRAJ Water Powered Fuel Saver H2O (HHO) kit is a retrofit device that can be installed and connected to any internal combustion engine, regardless of the engine's fuel source. It is a closed chamber unit that produces H2O (HHO) as per requirement of the Engines. There is no storage of HHO, making the technology extremely safe.
The product can be used on all types and combinations of fuels: gasoline, diesel, natural gas, liquid propane, methanol, ethanol and bio-diesel. Due to the on-board Production of HHO by the GIRIRAJ kit, For installing this unit no infrastructure changes are required.
In fact, the owner of a GIRIRAJ Water Powered Fuel Saver can actually SAVE money due to reduced operating costs. GIRIRAJ Water Powered Fuel Saver has been installed & tested on various types of engines.